не се препоръчва за деца под 12 години

не се препоръчва за деца под 12 години
не се препоръчва за деца под 12 години
не се препоръчва за деца под 12 години
An exceptional hunter, Pavel has given up this passion, leaving the magical Strandzha Mountains, for his love for Anna. After 25 years, despite the return of the two to his native village, the couple is in crisis - they communicate only with short notes that they stick on a cupboard in the kitchen. Deceived by his nephew - the local chief of the border police, as well as by financial hardship, Pavel will use his talent to pursue migrants. Realizing that he holds in his hands the future (and perhaps the life) of a child - a ten-year-old Syrian, he will change his relationships, those with Anna, with his past, with his future and most of all - with himself.
* Kino Arena maintains the right to change the programme.
* The discount ticket prices are applicable to persons below 18 years of age, pensioners and disabled persons.